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Events Calendar

Membership Meeting
Tuesday 17 June 2031, 06:30pm - 08:30pm
Hits : 28263
by wilbur
The Guild holds its monthly membership meeting on the third Tuesday of each month, except December when we have our annual holiday party.  Meetings are held at 6:30 PM in the basement presentation room of Rockler Woodworking and Hardware at 2553 S Colorado Blvd in Denver.  
Some members gather for pre-meeting dinner, drinks and general conversation at The Garlic Knot next door to Rockler - these gatherings are informal and people generally arrive between 30 minutes to 1 hour in advance of the meeting.
Most meetings feature a presentation by a professional woodworker.  Members are encouraged to participate in a show-and-tell event - bring your projects in.
If you are not a member, but are considering membership, attend a meeting as our guest to see if membership might be a fit for you.
Location 2553 S. Colorado Blvd